KB10049 How to backup vProtect database by remote node.

KB ID: 10049

Product: vProtect

Version: 3.8.0 +

Published: 2021-11-11

Last modified: 2021-11-11


ExternalAPIException: File could not be saved: Cannot run program
"/opt/vprotect/scripts/backup_db.sh": error=2, No such file or directory.
Cannot run program "/opt/vprotect/scripts/backup_db.sh": error=2,
No such file or directory.

vProtect installed without vProtect node. The vProtect node is on the other host.


Login to Vprotect server.
Select from left menu Applications->Executions Configurations select icon Clone in row where vProtect DB Backup Command is.
In new window type new name for command name (Vprotect DB Backup Command node2) and select Clone button.

Next click new created command and in settings window in General section change Execution type
from "node" to "Remote SSH" and save settings.

Next select Applications->Instances and clone default vProtect DB instance.
In new window type new name of the application backup, and click Clone.
Click on the name of new created application and next click Settings from down menu.
In section "SSH access" type in SSH Host - Ip address of the vProtect server and SSH key path or in section
"Configure SSH password" type twice time root password. Save new settings.

Finally in new Application->Instance system shows name of the new created name command execution configuration with node configuration name.
Test new application backup.

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