KB 10085 Export to PST - how to diagnose winrm exceptions

KB ID: 10085

Product: Storware Backup & Recovery

Version: 5.x

Published: 2023-03-24

Last modified: 2023-03-24


Office 365 - winrm.exceptions errors occur when trying to restore to a PST (Export to PST) file.


winrm.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsError: the specified credentials were rejected by the server


  1. First, make sure your Windows machine credentials in Node Configuration -> Cloud Agent are correct.

2. On the machine where vprotect-node is installed, check the operation of winrm for the Windows computer that is used to export PST files. You can do it as follows:

Make sure you have the pywinrm library installed.

sudo pip3 install pywinrm

Go to the python environment.


Import the winrm library.

import winrm

Create a session with the Windows machine.

Try to execute and display some command on a Windows machine.

Result when winrm works fine:

If you see an error when trying to connect via winrm, most likely winrm on the Windows machine side is configured incorrectly.


3. Go to your Windows machine and run the following commands in the PowerShell console.


Then from the Node machine again check if winrm is working properly.