KB10017 Export/store tasks fails
When backup is initiated either export or store task fails.
Please check task details (button in the last column on the task list) - there should be an error message describing problem in more details.
When backup is marked as failed it also contains relevant message.
Start with checking /opt/vprotect/<NODE>/vprotect_daemon.log.*
files for more detailed information.
Export failure - make sure that:
- /vprotect_data (i.e. export path or staging space) path available - it should be owned by vprotect user (subfolders too)
- when backup destination is also on the same file system - make sure that vProtect is able to delete files created by virtualization platform
- when export storage domain approach is used (Oracle VM/Proxmox/RHEV v3) - files are exported by virtualization manager
- it must also be mounted with anonuid/anonguid pointing to the vprotect user IDs so that Node is able to read data
- staging space is big enough to hold your data (in some cases RAW data requires more space then just data in your VM)
- you checked logs and errors on your hypervisor platform - it may clarify which part failed
Store failure - make sure that:
- you have connectivity with your backup provider (if external)
- you have vdo service started and backup desination file system is mounted and accessible by vprotect user (if deduplication enabled on the backup destination
- if you're using IBM Spectrum Protect - please refer to
Client Messages and Application Programming Interface Return Codes
for the version of TSM (Spectrum Protect) that you’re using. For version 8.1 you can use the following link
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