KB ID: 10041
Product: vProtect
Version: not applicable
Published: 2021-07-05
Last modified: 2021-07-05
I want to test if vProtect send emails with report correctly.
We will configure gmail test account in vProtect. Two factor authentication must be enable on this account.
First we must generate password for our application. Click on security setting in Google Account management. There You need to click on App passwords.
You will be prompted to enter Your password. On the next page click on select app and choose Other.
Enter the name for Your app e.g. vProtect and click generate. Copy or write down the password that has been generated.
Go to the vProtect app. In the settings menu click on E-mail tab. There You need to set options like on screenshot. Change an email sender and SMTP user according to Your account name. In password field You need to write the password which You have generated in previous step.
Now You can click Send Test Email. You should receive an email on the mailbox that You have provided on E-mail recipients field.